Dr. Jason Strotheide


ChiroNutraceutical – A Company Breathed To Life By God!

I used to travel across the country, teaching continuing education to doctors. Eventually, this meant I was on the road 25 to 30 weekends a year, all while still treating patients. As you can imagine, this took a toll on my family. To preserve my marriage, I decided to stop traveling and speaking. However, for over three years, I never stopped missing the opportunity to help doctors reach more people—it was part of fulfilling my purpose. By helping doctors, I was, in turn, helping their patients.

At this point, I turned to God for guidance. After spending over two years in prayer and meditation, the entire concept for ChiroNutraceutical was “downloaded” to me in less than three seconds while driving home from a day of treating patients.

I remember walking through the door from the garage and being greeted by my wife. She asked, “How was your day?” I replied, “The coolest thing happened on my way home, and by the way, we’re starting a new company!” I think she almost fainted. After I shared my experience, she asked, “Are you sure it was God?” I confidently said, “Yes.” Her response was, “Then we’d better get to work.”

She then asked who would be helping me with this new venture. I said, “Frank.” When she asked if I had spoken to him, I admitted, “No.” Naturally, she wondered how I knew he would help. I told her that Frank was part of the plan that had been “downloaded” to me. Now, you have to understand, I hadn’t spoken to Frank in over four years. So, I pulled out my phone, dialed the only number I had for him, and he answered.

After a few minutes of catching up, I told him that this might be the strangest phone call he’d ever receive. I explained the story and how his name was part of the “plan.” I also told him that this would be a debt-free company from the start, meaning I didn’t have any money to pay him and that I would understand if he declined.

Here’s what he said: “I have three questions. First, will we always do the right thing, no matter what? Second, will we only do business with people who want to do business with us (no hard sales)? And third, when things are going well, will we always give the glory to God?”

I answered “Yes” to all three questions. When I told him he could take a few days to think it over, he said, “I don’t need to think about it. I’m in!”

Over the past 14 years, ChiroNutraceutical has helped hundreds of thousands of people across the U.S. achieve better health by taking control of their weight. Our tested and proven weight loss protocol has been implemented in nearly 2,000 chiropractic offices, earning us a spot among “The Top 100 Companies” in Chiropractic. We’ve expanded our product line to include multiple science-backed supplements and health-promoting protocols. Additionally, we’ve gained certification to ship and sell our products internationally, with FDA and Health Canada registrations. As a result, we’ve positively impacted the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world.

As Frank and I look back over the last 14 years all that we can think is how God has truly blessed our lives, our families, and our company! We are living a supernatural God-led experience. There is no other explanation!

Thank you to each and every one of you, whether a doctor or a patient, who have helped us fulfill our purpose! We are eternally grateful! All of that said, our hearts go out to each and every one of you for helping us fulfill our purpose!